Geographical records of an affective ecosystem inspired in the Guerrero páramo from Colombia.
Food Physics
Poetic principles to food through different physics concepts. This publication is part of Nomadic Commensalities, project iniciated with Álvaro Benítez in an artistic residency at Can Serrat. Its production was done with an artistic grant of the center.
Edited in a co-creative process in Llano Grande village of Colombia.
Llano grande Poetic dictionary
Divulgation and digital intervention project of the Mutis's collection from the National Library of Colombia.
Mutis miscellany
Fanzine of urban geology and botany.
In-organic Matter
FDP guideline
Interactive book designed the leaders workshop of Fuente de paz Association.
Speculative archive created collectively with documents from scientific expeditions.
2n + 1
Specific publication edited with the Inga community Aponte, during the LABICxLaPaz citizen laboratory, for their community radio station. I participated in this project during the citizen innovation laboratory organized by MediaLab Prado in Pasto, Colombia. The project gathers different experiences related to substitution of illicit crops through radio pieces. The publication, made with recycled materials, combines the SUMA KAUSAI GOOD LIVING principles with metaphors and instructions to create and share stories on the radio.