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"The patio as an empty space, functionally undefined, transit between interior and exterior, intimate as well as open..."  María Zambrano. 


Together with my couple, Álvaro Benítez (and by extension with our friends and fellow artists) we ask ourselves what means home and house, how to inhabit it, why certain activities occur in the public and not in the private (or in the private and not in the public) and how our domestic space can be open to public interactions. So far, we have organized some cultural activities in our previous house in Madrid, such as cinematico 99, a cine-forum curated based on the meanings in Quechua language for each month, the convite de vídeo, a video performance exhibition of the Colombian artist Juan Camilo García Souza, and two breakfasts to talk about food and politics. In addition, Álvaro carried out an action in Usera, the neighborhood where we used to lived, in which he took some of our things to a space delimited by himself in a public square, inviting me to inhabit there for a while as if was our home.

Year: Since 2022.
Description: Cultural activities in my house with Álvaro Benítez.

> Photos of Trepadera exhibition and activity-posters. 

> Action in Usera, motivated by Álvaro (2023).

Now that we don't have a specific home, we continue wondering about house through nomadism, movement and travel.

"Sospechamos que lo humano es la tendencia a establecerse, a habitar un lugar. Pero ¿solo se habita en situaciones de sedentarismo y enraizamiento? Una lectura más abierta del significado de "habitar" —entendido no solo como el mero acto de residir en cierto lugar, sino como una manera de estar en el mundo, un convivir con el espacio e infundir nuestro ser a lo que nos rodea— sería extensiva a modos de vida desasidos e itinerantes. Habitar como una actividad ineludible, como fundamento de la condición humana, pero también como un horizonte y una posibilidad. De esta manera, tanto los modos sedentarios como los nómadas pueden acceder a formas plenas del habitar, pero estos últimos dejan entrever un proyecto y un deseo de otras alternativas de existencia en las que el hábitat no está ligado a un territorio, sino a un itinerario". (Taken from Valeria Mata's Todo lo que se mueve).

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