Community practice
to support the reconstruction of Mocoa.
Collective creation process
Citizen participation strategy for the Urban and Territorial Planning of Zamora (NUTZA) in Spain.
Open planning
San Jorge Theater living typographies
grafic intervention workshop during the VI National Heritage Event.
of the old Sabana railway station in the center of Bogotá.
Cultural activation
Specific project for the IV Bajoteja Festival, in San Lorenzo de Tormes, Spain.
Daily life poetics
with members of the Trans Community Network of Bogotá, for the TedxBogotá-Mujeres event.
Woven talk
in Sol quarters of Madrid, during the protests in Colombia during 2020. Together with Colombian artists, we organized this action to invite people to talk about the acts of violence that were happening in Colombia during the 2020 protests. With a mango biche stand, we invited people to come closer and intervene some news that were circulating in the national media.
Graphic action
between victims of violence, former FARC combatants and inhabitants of the village of Llano Grande (Dabeiba) in Colombia.
Creative exchange
with young people from Colombia, focused on the design and development of peace initiatives in their territories (within the context of thepeace process in Colombia).
Creation LAB
Cultural activities at home.