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Nomadic commensalities is a performative dinner, developed with my couple Álvaro Benítez, that relates food, travel, home, and territory. Through a culinary and sensitive tour, participants are invited to smell herbs, taste drinks, mix etymologies and origins of food, listen to a soundscape, eat different dishes, and talk. As guides of this space, we make some readings and reflections, and at the end, we share the Food Physics publication, a poetic approach to food through different physics concepts.

We have done this dinner in NUA cultural space in Madrid and in Diáspora cultural house in Bogotá. 

Year: 2024.
Description: Performative dinner and publication printed in risography. 

* Project started in an artistic residence in Can Serrat, selected by public call. The publication was developed with an artistic production grant from Can Serrat. 

> Diáspora cultural house (Bogotá, 2024) and NUA cultural space (Madrid, 2024).

During an artistic residency in Can Serrat (El Bruc, Catalonia), we experimented different formats, like collective cookings, a collective listening session of the Iragua Forest soundscape (made with different cooking sounds); and a performance with Paula Vicente and Nate Wheeler in which we interacted with different kitchen objects, an instrument created by Nate and an electric circuit installed by Paula that caused objects movements and lights turning on and off through touch. 

> Performance in Can Serrat (2023). Photos by Simon Chang.
> Collective listening session and sound recording (Can Serrat, 2023).

> Fanzine printed in risography, developed with an artistic production grant.

Food physics is a poetic approach to food through different physics concepts, such as energy transfer, wave-particle duality, and radiation. It proposes these principles to approach to food through the intersection of senses, using illustrations, diagrams, writings, as well as links to a soundscape and videos.


> Bosque iragua Soundscape. Iragua in Chibcha language means "riverbed", resembling a humid forest full of caves, fireflies, moans, hums and fires.

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